Youth Hub

Learn more below about the paid opportunities for young people to connect and engage.


Our True Colors

Our True Colors (OTC) is AHJN’s weekly reentry space that functions as a gateway to resources and creative opportunities for system-impacted youth. These opportunities come in many forms such as art-making, traveling, advocacy, field trips and paid fellowships with our member and partner organizations. Working with ages 15-26, one of the main objectives for OTC is to assist youth in finding their footing and their voice in low risk environments. Through this quest, the hope is that young people develop the ability to articulate their story in their own words and connect their personal experiences to systemic issues. OTC is an intentional healing space that offers weekly workshops that open conversations around trauma, culture, identity, gender responsiveness and gang impact to meet young people where they are. Young people also receive a $25 gift card for joining each week until we are able to place them in a paid fellowship! 


AHJN has 17 different member organizations that focus on many genres of art such as: music production, poetry, visual arts, theater, dance, drumming and more. Our primary objective for the OTC space is to place young people in Fellowships with one of our member organizations, where youth engage as paid interns.  The matching process may include geography, organizational culture, and art discipline based on a young person’s interest. This Fellowship is a project-based learning experience designed to serve the host organization and the young person in equal measure. Fellows and Member orgs will work together to design the schedule, scope of work, and goals for the 200 hour experience, making sure to balance and blend professional & administrative skill building, creative projects, learning experiences, community engagement, and individualized development opportunities for each young person.

Meet the ALumni

At AHJN, we love to make videos that capture the journey’s and stories of the young people we work with. Below you can meet some of our alumni, some who are now AHJN staff!

  • We are always on the lookout for jobs and paid opportunities that align with AHJN’s work and feel like a good fit for the young folks we work with. Here you will find an updated list of available jobs, internships, and other paid opportunities. Our goal is to update this bank as often as possible to keep the listing fresh and relevant, but please read entire job descriptions for application deadlines and other important dates. If you need any support with applying or have any questions, you can email

    View Job Bank Here

  • At AHJN, we are committed to providing spaces of community support and to act as a connector between young people and resources! Since we don’t provide direct services like housing, legal services, or other immediate needs, we have put together a list of orgs that we work with who do. If you’d like support in reaching out to any of these places, please get in touch! You can email Julian Harris at

    View Resource List Here