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  • A 1-2 hour long experiential arts offering with themes around youth engagement, as well as self/community care and resiliency for adults that directly serve young people. PDs promote relationship building amongst staff and give participants tools to combat empathy fatigue and burnout through the arts.

  • Varied support in Community Based Events such as walk-up collaborative art making with professional teaching artists, tabling to showcase the networks offerings during Resource Fairs, providing facilitation/MCs for events, Professional artist performances.

  • A multi-week long curriculum of healing-informed arts instruction through the lens of a specific arts discipline. While students develop artistic skills, they are also deepening their socio-emotional learning by connecting to their own sense of self, community, and to their own stories.

    • Lengths of residency: once or twice per week for 1-2 hours for 8-16 weeks (to be determined by the site, longer sessions also available)

    • Structure: A team of 2 Teaching Artists (TAs) will lead youth through workshops that consist of a check in, arts practice/creation, and reflection/sharing. TAs are trained to be responsive, and meet youth where they’re at on a day-to-day basis.

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